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Paula's Enchanting Words

Paula's Enchanting Words Logo Sage Green

    Welcome to my blog, I hope this finds you well. In this blog, expect to learn new topics, find out more about my personal life, and overall, finding true happiness with each click of my entries. Learning in our twenties is something that is a key factor into becoming the best version of yourself.


Knowledge is one of my personal values in my life. Meaning, I like to research about topics I relate to / find interesting.  My personal life is something I want to dive deeper into because this will help not only myself to express my feelings, but can be a conversation starter or help others out of a bad situation.


When it comes to mental health, I am very intrigued and dedicated to my own mental health. It affects my daily life, how my moods change throughout the day, and seeking professional help.


With that being said,


Enjoy the blog entries,


Paula Parker

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